The customary treatment of Type 2 Diabetes is not very scientific. That’s why most Type 2 diabetics continue to struggle, despite following the diet, exercise and anti-diabetic drugs. In addition, they end up with many complications of diabetes as well even if their blood sugar and HbA1c is under control. It is a not just a matter to control blood sugar but how you control it is important. In this article, I will share with you my scientific, effective, and practical approach to treat Type 2 diabetes. I have treated thousands of Type 2 diabetics with this new approach and achieved excellent results, not only controlling their blood sugars, HbA1C, but also preventing complications of diabetes.
Why is the Customary Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Unscientific?
Because it does not treat the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes, which is insulin resistance. Doesn’t it make sense to treat the root cause instead of just controlling blood sugars by any drug? The customary medicine is well aware of insulin resistance as the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes, but when it comes to treatment, it conveniently ignores the root cause. Instead, it focuses on controlling blood sugars by using any drugs, without paying attention to insulin resistance. Here is scientific fact: most anti-diabetic drugs do not treat insulin resistance.
Customary Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes is Business, Not Science
So, why do physicians – even at prestigious medical centers- keep pushing anti-diabetic drugs that do not treat insulin resistance? Because the drug industry is huge, and has a lot of muscle. In addition, there is the powerful medical insurance industry.
In my opinion, the pharmaceutical and medical insurance industries influence, directly or indirectly, the so called guidelines of major medical organizations. These guidelines tell physicians what to prescribe. Why do physicians follow these guidelines? Because physicians in the U.S. are fearful of medical lawsuits. In addition, most physicians work for a business entity. Consequently, they may lose their job if they don’t adhere to guidelines. Perhaps now you understand why customary medicine has become all business. That’s why it does not focus on treating insulin resistance in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
Health Consequences of the Unscientific Approach to Treat Type 2 Diabetes
What happens if you do not treat insulin resistance, but try to control blood sugar by whatever anti-diabetic medication has been recommended by big medical organizations? Your insulin resistance gets worse with the passage of time. Then, you have to keep adding more and more drugs to even control the blood sugars. This is what is called the “step-up” approach. You keep adding more and more steps (drugs) with the passage of time to control your blood sugars. Eventually, most diabetics end up on insulin, and consequently, develop many of the complications of insulin resistance and Diabetes.
In addition, you then suffer from other consequences of untreated insulin resistance. These consequences include coronary artery disease, stroke, poor circulation in legs, dementia, cancer growth, kidney disease, peripheral neuropathy and eye disease.
My Scientific Approach to the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
Many years back, I got the courage to get out of the prison of medical guidelines. Instead, I focused on treating Type 2 Diabetes at its root – insulin resistance. I call it my scientific approach to treat – and even reverse – Type 2 Diabetes.
With my approach, once insulin resistance comes under control, you start to reduce the number of medications. Many patients have been able to even come off insulin. That’s why I like to call this the “step-down” approach. You come down (or reduce) the steps (drugs) with the passage of time, instead of adding steps (drugs).
Beneficial Effects of the New Approach to Treat Type 2 Diabetes
My new treatment plan not only controls blood glucose, but also reduces serum triglycerides, increases HDL (good) cholesterol, changes LDL cholesterol from Type B (more dangerous) to Type A (less dangerous), and re-establishes the body’s ability to break clots. It accomplishes these major goals by effectively treating insulin resistance—the root cause of all of these medical disorders. In this way, my new treatment strategy significantly reduces the risk for heart attack, stroke, leg amputation, dementia, kidney disease, eye disease, and other complications of diabetes.
Prevent Diabetic Complications
This certainly has been my clinical experience as the director of the Jamila Diabetes & Endocrine Medical Center. The vast majority of my diabetic patients have not required coronary angioplasties, heart bypass surgery, or kidney dialysis. Patients with previous strokes have not suffered any further episodes. There have been no leg amputations or loss of eyesight in many years.
No Need for Insulin Shots
By using this new treatment strategy, the vast majority of my Type 2 diabetic patients do not need to resort to insulin shots to control their diabetes. Most patients who are already on insulin injections gradually come off insulin.
NOTE: Please do not stop or reduce insulin – or any other medication – on your own without consulting your health care provider.
Five Steps Plan to Treat Type 2 Diabetes:
My new plan to treat Type 2 Diabetes consists of five steps:
- Stress Management for diabetics.
- Nutrition that is scientific, yet practical and works.
- Exercise/Rest to one’s individual needs
- Vitamins and Herbs that reduce insulin resistance and support healthy glucose levels
- Proper Medications, if necessary
I have discussed these five steps in detail in five chapters in my book, “Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Scientifically”