The ultimate power lies inside you, not out there. Use this power wisely to live a stress free life and don’t create stress for others. What is this ultimate power? It is the power to choose! Many people aren’t even aware of this ultimate power. Then, they feel helpless which can lead to depression.
The Power to Choose is the Ultimate Power
The power to choose is the ultimate power we humans have. We usually don’t use it or we may use it unwisely. It is important to be aware of this ultimate power. It is equally important to use this power wisely – by using simple logic. Only then you don’t create stress for yourself or for others.
Choose to be a Logical Person
Choose to be a logical person. Use simple logic and common sense that we human are equipped with. We don’t learn it in school. Using logic, you see things clearly without the fog created by emotional thinking.
Choose to Keep Your Attention in the Real Now
By using logic, choose to keep your attention in the Real Now because there is no stress in the Real Now. Additionally, everything is Real in the Now.
Choose Who Gets in Your Head and Who Does Not
By using logic, choose who gets in your head and who does not. In this way, you don’t get upset or stay upset because someone said or did this or that.
Choose What You Eat
Use logic and choose what you eat and what you don’t. In this way, you choose what is a healthy diet for you. You no longer stay in the prison of the “habits of eating.” You eat a balanced diet including meats, eggs, dairy, vegetables, fruits and lentils from healthy sources, as long as it agrees with your stomach.
Choose Who You Socialize With and Who You Don’t
Choose who you socialize with and who you don’t. In this way, you make friends that you like and enjoy spending time with. You also become free of so-called social obligation, which most people hate but think they have no option.
Choose Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Spouse
By using logic, choose your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. Make sensible logical decisions about your mate. In this way, you are free of pressure from friends, family members and other social rigid guidelines. You realize it is your life. Therefore, you are the one who must make this decision without any pressure from someone else.
Choose your Job, Career, Hobbies
Choose your job, career and hobbies using logic, not emotions. Decide what you are good at and what you enjoy doing and making a living at. In this way, you become free of pressure from friends and family members to pursue a certain job or career or hobby. Consequently, you don’t feel stuck at a job, career or hobby.
Choose to Follow the Rules of the Society but Not Necessarily the Etiquette
Use logic and realize that all rules are a creation of society. However, choose to follow the Rules of Society, but not necessarily the etiquette. In this way, you stay free from trouble with the law. At the same, you don’t get burdened by a long list of social etiquettes. You can eat without the stress of knowing which fork to use with which dish. You dress up without the stress of whether you wore the correct tie to go with your shirt or not. Instead, choose to dress according to the weather.
Once free of the tight grip of the rules and etiquettes, you don’t feel embarrassed that you are not a cultured person or feel ashamed of your accent, ethnic background, etc.
Use the Ultimate Power to Choose Wisely
When you choose, make sure you use logic and not emotions as the driving force. In the grip of emotional thoughts, we often take actions which cause harm to us as well as to others.
To learn more about the Ultimate Power, refer to “Stress Cure Now.”