Coping with stress and anxiety of coronavirus can be quite challenging, especially if you already suffer from fear, worry and anxiety.
Here are tips for parents, teenagers, employers, employees, healthcare workers and patients to rise above the stress arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Root Cause of Stress and Anxiety of Coronavirus
We need to dig deeper to find a permanent solution for stress and anxiety of coronavirus. What is the root cause of stress and anxiety? Fear, isn’t it? Fear originates as fearful thoughts – the What If Syndrome – as I have discussed in detail in my book, “Stress Cure Now.”
The “What If Syndrome”
What if I lose my child?
What if I lose my parents?
What if I lose my job?
What if lose my business?
What if I lose my house?
What if I lose my friends?
What if coronavirus vaccine does not work?
What if the coronavirus pandemic never ends?
What if I end up in the hospital?
What if I lose my life?
Root Cause of the “What If Syndrome”
The root cause of the “What if Syndrome” resides inside you, not out there. External factors of stress such as the coronavirus pandemic act as triggers, but the real source of stress and anxiety lies in your own mind. It is your Acquired Self – the Self you acquire as you grow up in a society. I have explained this in detail in my book, “ Stress Cure Now. and my Stress Management Workshops.”
What Feeds the “What If Syndrome?”
Fearful news fuels your “What if Syndrome.” Fear triggers release of stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol – as well as certain chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters. Consequently, you brain becomes more addicted to fearful news and a vicious cycle sets in.
Practical Tips to be Free of Stress and Anxiety of Coronavirus
Use Logic
Use the lightening rod of Logic to cut through the mesh of fearful thoughts. Do fearful thoughts provide any solution to the coronavirus pandemic? In fact, stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisol – weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.
On the other hand, logical thinking is helpful to deal with any situation including the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of feeling trapped by the coronavirus pandemic – and feeling sorry for yourself – take it as an opportunity to adapt a new, healthy lifestyle. – even though the emotional Acquired Self wants you to go back to the old, unhealthy lifestyle.
Cut Out Fearful News
Minimize the time spent on Fearful News, especially social media. You will be amazed how much free time you have once you are not enslaved by your so-called smart phone. Spend this precious time on physical activities, instead of mental activities. Why? Because physical activities keep you in the bliss of the real NOW – the source of inner peace and joy.
Parents – Enjoy Your Children
Parents – enjoy your children while they are at home even though you may be annoyed dealing with them all day long. The best part of parenting – even though it may seem challenging at times – is to spend actual time with your children. They will get to know you better. It will create a stronger bond between you and your child. They sponge off you, as we parents know very well. It will help them to grow into well-grounded, joyful and confident grown-ups.
Teenagers – Enjoy Your Parents
Teenagers and young adults – enjoy your stay at home, even though the concept of teenage and young adulthood in your head may torment you for being at home. Use logic and realize you are not a failure because you are living with your parents. On the contrary, you are probably saving a lot of money for “rainy days.” It also gives you an opportunity to get to know your parents better – even though they may be annoying at times. For details, please refer to my book, “Stress Management For Teenagers, Parents and Teachers.”
Do Your Own Cooking and Some Gardening
Prepare your own food as “we are what we eat and how we think.” A truly heathy food is what you cook at home from healthy ingredients. If you have time – and many people do – grow your own vegetables and fruits. Cooking and gardening are a great way to be free of the “busy mind, the Acquired Self.”
Peaceful Walk
Go out for a walk by yourself – weather permitting – and pay attention to the “Now” in front of your eyes, not in your head. This is also a great way to be free of the “busy mind – the Acquired Self.” Also, do meditation again at bedtime for about 15 minutes. It helps you to get restful sleep.
Start your day by doing some type of meditation for about 15 minutes. This is another way to be free of the thinking mind, the Acquired Self. Refer to my book, “Stress Cure Now.”
Take “Now Breaks”
Don’t stay consumed by your Busy Mind, which keeps you in the virtual world in your head or on a screen. This virtual world is full of stress and anxiety. Instead, take small “Now Breaks” in which you shift your attention to the real Now in front of your eyes: what you see, hear, smell, taste and touch. Also be aware of the Space, Silence, Stillness – the canvas for the painting of the universe. Refer to my “Stress Management workshops.”
Stress Herbs and Vitamins
Take natural herbs and vitamins that can help your brain handle stress. I have formulated one such product, “Stress Buster.”
Stay Aware of the “Big Picture.”
Use logic and you will realize birth is always followed by death. This is the law of nature. During this lifespan, you have a choice: to live with inner peace and joy or stay trapped in stress and anxiety. For more details please refer to my book on non-religious spirituality “Wake Up While You Can.”