DiaMultiVitamin – formerly known as Glupride Multi – is the best multivitamin for Typ2 diabetes and thyroid heath.* This is Why? It is formulated by a leading endocrinologist, Dr. Sarfraz Zaidi, MD, former Assistant Professor of Medicine at UCLA. He is also Medical Director of the Jamila Diabetes and Endocrine Medical Center in southern California. DiaMultiVitamin is now available to public under Dr. Zaidi’s brand name, Zaidimins.
Fact: Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and accounts for 95% of cases.
Active Ingredients Of DiaMultiVitamin
DiaMultiVitamin contains 21 different vitamins, minerals and herbs.
It contains Alpha-Lipoic Acid 600 mg, Chromium Picolinate, Cinnamon and Coenzyme Q 10.
In addition, it contains all of the B vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and essential minerals including Selenium, Zinc, Vanadium, Magnesium, and Manganese.
Clinical studies – as elaborated below – show these are the most important vitamins for diabetes and may help support healthy glucose levels.*
DiaMultiVitamin May Support Healthy Blood Glucose Levels*
Patients with Type 2 diabetes are often low in many vitamins and minerals due to their excessive losses in the urine. In addition, they also need special vitamins and minerals to deal with excessive oxidative stress. Therefore, diabetics have special nutritional needs for vitamins and minerals. That’s where DiaMultiVitamin comes into play. It is a unique multivitamin for diabetes, designed to promote healthy glucose levels naturally.
A Diabetic Multivitamin With Alpha-Lipoic Acid
DiaMultiVitamin is a multivitamin with Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) as 600 mg per day. What is Alpha Lipoic Acid?
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a substance, normally produced in cells in small amounts. It helps in the normal metabolism of glucose. In addition, Alpha Lipoic Acid functions as a strong anti-oxidant in the body (1, 2).*
The cells of diabetic patients are under a tremendous amount of daily oxidative stress. That’s why it makes sense to use Alpha Lipoic Acid in a multivitamin for diabetes*
A number of scientific studies have shown that Alpha Lipoic Acid promotes normal insulin sensitivity. In this way, it may promote healthy glucose levels in individuals with Type 2 diabetes (2).*
Alpha Lipoic Acid For Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy*
Several studies have also shown Alpha Lipoic Acid to be helpful in diabetic peripheral neuropathy. In a review article, authors analyzed 15 clinical trials using Alpha Lipoic Acid in peripheral neuropathy in diabetes. They concluded that Alpha Lipoic Acid helps with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The minimum dose of Alpha Lipoic Acid to help peripheral neuropathy in diabetics is 600 mg per day. (3)*
Dose of Alpha Lipoic Acid
The amount of Alpha Lipoic Acidis important! Most diabetic multivitamins add a tiny amount of Alpha Lipoic Acid, such as 100 mg per day. Because it is expensive. In contrast, we use a dose of Alpha Lipoic Acid as 600 mg per day in DiaMultiVitamin, the dose that was commonly used in the clinical studies.*
Is Alpha lipoic Acid Safe?
In an excellent article, authors analyzed 71 clinical studies on Alpha lipoic acid with a total of 4749 individuals. The authors concluded that supplementation with alpha lipoic acid was not associated with an increased risk of any adverse event.(4)*
Chromium Picolinate For Healthy Glucose Control*
Chromium picolinate affects the normal metabolism of glucose.* Several studies show beneficial effects of chromium supplementation in promoting healthy glucose levels.*
According to one large clinical trial – 833 Type 2 diabetic patients – Chromium picolinate showed a significant improvement in blood glucose levels. (5)
Dose Of Chromium Picolinate
The amount of chromium picolinate is also important. Many diabetic multivitamins contain only a small amount of chromium picolinate. In contrast, DiaMultiVitamin contains a large dose of 800 mcg per day.*
Is Chromium Picolinate Safe?
According to a scientific review, “Numerous animal studies and human clinical trials have demonstrated that chromium picolinate supplements are safe.”(6)
Cinnamon For Type 2 Diabetes*
Physicians have long been intrigued by the beneficial effects of cinnamon on human health. In December 2003, an excellent scientific study was published in Diabetes Care. (7) In this study, researchers gave cinnamon powder to 60 patients with Type 2 diabetes. They used three daily doses: 1 gram, 3 grams and 6 grams. Results showed a significant decrease in blood glucose levels. In addition, triglycerides also decreased significantly.
That’s why Cinnamon is an important ingredient of our diabetic multivitamin, DiaMultiVitamin.
Coenzyme Q10 For Diabetics*
Coenzyme Q10 is a strong antioxidant.* It may help to improve diastolic dysfunction of the heart in patients with diabetes and hypertension.*
Most diabetics are on statin drugs such as Lipitor (atorvastatin), Zocor (simvastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin) and Crestor (rosuvastatin). These drugs not only reduce cholesterol level, but also reduce CoQ10 level in the muscles. (8) This phenomenon may explain the muscle aches these patients often experience while on a statin drug. Co Q10 supplement may help to prevent these muscle aches and pains.*
Magnesium – Miracle Mineral For Healthy Glucose*
Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for the normal functioning of every cell in the body. It is especially important for healthy blood sugar levels. In addition, it plays a pivotal role in the health of muscles, bones, blood vessels, heart, and brain.* Unfortunately, most people are low in magnesium. Therefore, DiaMultiVitamin contains the optimal amounts of magnesium for your daily nutritional needs.
Zinc – Essential Mineral For Glucose Metabolism*
Zinc plays an important role in more than 100 enzyme systems in the body. In this way, Zinc supports glucose metabolism. In addition, it supports immune system health, energy production, healthy skin, brain, eyes and prostate health.*
Therefore, Zinc is an important ingredient in DiaMultiVitamin.
Selenium And Iodine For A Healthy Thyroid*
The thyroid gland plays a pivotal role in your healthy metabolism. Selenium and iodine are essential for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. For this reason, DiaMultiVitamin contains the optimal amounts of both selenium and iodine.
B-Vitamins Help Normal Functioning Of Every Cell*
B-vitamins are vital for the normal functioning of every cell in our body. In particular, these vitamins helps with energy production that takes place inside the cell. B-vitamins are also important to keep the integrity of the DNA in every cells. Unfortunately, many individuals don’t have adequate amounts of B vitamins due to poor dietary habits, overly-processed food, and commercial farming.
For these reasons, DiaMultiVitamin contains high quality B vitamins in proper amounts.
Dr. Z’s Vitamins – DiaMultiVitamin
- Best Diabetic Multivitamin with Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chromium picolinate, Cinnamon – along with Magnesium, Zinc, Biotin and Vanadium supports glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.* Alpha Lipoic Acid 600 mg helps promote nerve health.* In addition, this multivitamin contains Co Q10, B12 and Folate which supports Cardiovascular health and Cognitive health.*
- It is a strong anti-oxidant.*
- Selenium and Iodine help Thyroid support and Energy. B Complex helps boost Energy, Memory and Cognitive function.* Zinc promotes Energy, boosts the Immune system, supports blood Sugar and Eye health. Biotin supports healthy Glucose levels, Hair, Skin and Nail health. Magnesium is essential for the health of every cell. It especially helps Glucose metabolism, Cardiovascular health, and Muscle functioning.*
- Compared to other Multivitamins, DiaMultiVitamin does not contain iron and calcium, both of which can interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormone.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product in not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Note: Note: Type 2 diabetic who is on diabetic medications should be vigilant about checking their blood sugars every day especially when they go on this dietary supplement. When their blood sugars start to come down, they should consult their health care provider in order to decrease – and eventually stop – their diabetic medications.
Medications that are known to cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) include Insulin, Glucotrol (glipizide), Amaryl (glimepiride, Micronase (glyburide), Diabeta (glyburide), Glynase (glyburide), Diabenese (chlorpropamide), Starlix (nateglinide), Prandin (repaglinide), and Precose (acarbose).
- Evans JL, Goldfine ID. Alpha-lipoic acid : a multifunctional antioxidant that improves insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther 2000; 2: 401-413.
- Konrad T, Vicini P, Kusterer K et al. Alpha-Lipioc acid treatment decreases serum lactate and pyruvate concentrations and improves glucose effectiveness in lean and obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 1999;22:280-287.
- Ziegler D, Reljanovic M, Mehnert H, Gries FA. Alpha-lipoic acid in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy in Germany: current evidence from clinical trials. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 1999;107:421-430.
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33086555/
- Anderson R, Cheng N, bryden N, Polansky M, Cheng N, Chi J, Feng J. Elevated Intakes of supplemental chromium improves glucose and insulin variables in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 1997;46:1786-1791.
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15208835/
- Khan A, Safdar M, Khan M, Khan N, Anderson R. Cinnamon improves glucose and lipids of people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care 2003;
- Rundek T, Naini A, Sacco R, Coates K, DiMauro S. Atorvastatin decreases the coenzyme Q10 level in the blood of patients at risk for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Arch Neurol. 2004;61:889-892.
Mary Arbuckle –
I certainly feel more energetic with this Multi Vitamin.
JJacobs –
I was under the care of Dr Zaidi for ten years before he retired. He suggested that I take Glupride and I still take it today. It is my daily multivitamin that helps with keeping my glucose and a1c levels in check. I will keep buying it
James Eads –
I have been consistently taking Glupride for over 10 years. If I do not take it I can feel my energy levels taper off. I am over 65 and have been told on numerous occasions that I have the energy of someone half my age. In addition to energy, I have seen a 30 point drop in my average blood sugar reading and a definite improvement in A1c. The blend of Glupride multi is exceptional for use by geriatric age and just about anyone. This is my “go to” vitamin created by one of the smartest and most compassionate MDs I have ever met. Thank you Dr. Zaidi!
Susan-Baker –
I have type 2 diabetes. Been taking Glupride for a number of years. It works for me. Helps with my blood sugars. I strongly recommend it.
Lynn Michell –
I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease and was told I needed to have my thyroid removed. Thankfully, I found Dr. Zaidi. With his help I was able to begin an all natural remedy using his vitamins and recommended dietary and stress relief strategies. In addition, he also used judicious use of Methimazole for a while as natural remedies take a while to kick in. I have been in remission for over 10 years, I still have my thyroid, and require absolutely no medication. I am forever grateful to Dr. Zaidi!
Stephanie Meadows –
I have been taking Dr. Zaidi’s Glupride Multi Vitamins for hypothyroidism since 2018 and have a lot more energy, weight loss and overall feeling good, which is why I continue taking them on a daily basis. I recommend Glupride vitamins for overall good health! Thank you Dr., Zaidi!
Ishwar Patel –
I have been taking Glupride multi vitamins for several years.
It improve my health.
I have lot more energy and feel great. I strongly recommend this Glupride multi vitamins
Rosalie Billingsley –
Love this nultivitamin! I was diagnosed w/an overactive thyroid in June of 2020. I was searching for answers and understanding as well as a natural remedy that would provide all the necessary benefits needed for my immune system and thyroid when I came across Dr. Zaidi’s website. Glupride has worked wonders for my overall immune system and thyroid. Recent lab results revealed my levels were good to the point my Dr. felt it was good to start tapering me off the Metimazole. Thank you Dr. Zaidi!!